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国际妇女节:建筑师,城市规划师 & 工程师

为了国际妇女节, 我们认可AG平台的女性以及她们在工作场所的积极力量, promoting their contributions to their professional fields and demonstrating the value of diversity for our firm. 今年国际妇女节的主题是“不断变化的工作世界中的女性:到2030年全球50-50 we wanted to...

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为了国际妇女节, 我们认可AG平台的女性以及她们在工作场所的积极力量, promoting their contributions to their professional fields and demonstrating the value of diversity for our firm. 今年国际妇女节的主题是“不断变化的工作世界中的女性:到2030年全球50-50 我们想收集女性员工的观点,并分享她们的感想, 乐观的愿望和理由.

城市建设领域的建筑, 城市规划设计, 从一开始,工程学就有了很大的发展. 现在有很多 女性 in top 城市设计 职位 在IBI, we’re noticing the students we hire are coming in with greater representation across every field. 有 仍然有相当大的挑战 on the path to achieving gender equity; however we are getting closer to 50/50 gender diversity in the workplace, 以及相关的 这可以为城市带来好处. 这些是一些正在铺路的妇女.

反思: 我从未因为身为女性而觉得自己不像个建筑师, 我想说的正好相反:我一直为拥有第六感而感到幸运. 作为一名女性建筑师,我认为建筑是一种具有社会影响力的艺术.

乐观理由: 我看到我周围年轻一代的才华是我乐观的主要原因.

愿望: I aspire to play a significant role in building the fabric of our city and to incite new direction in the discourse of what the cities of the future aim to be. 我希望我们的团队成为健康和无障碍城市的先驱. 我想成为一名社会建筑师和活动家.

Mar Granados -高级设计师-纽约,美国

反思: When I started my first job in Intelligent Transport 系统 in 1996, there wasn’t a PC on my desk. 大约二三十名专业人员共用三台个人电脑, 我们不得不为他们预约时间. The bulk of project discussions were carried out by telephone; I had to record the key points on a “telephone record” form by hand, 如果需要的话, 发送传真与客户确认重要细节. It was probably a couple of years before we had 电子邮件 as a work tool and of course I didn’t have a mobile phone either… The internet age, 持续的连接, 是否增加了我对组织和优先排序的需求, 但是给了我很大的灵活性.

在IBI的支持下,我可以兼职工作,而且大部分时间都在家里. This allows me to take my six-year-old to and from school most days but still continue to retain my senior role within IBI and within the industry. Flexibility works both ways; some days I’m up very early to arrive on time for client meetings and home late, 其他日子,我可以观看儿子的学校集会, 或者放学后带他去公园. One thing that hasn’t changed is that ITS has continued to mean innovation; new ways of doing things. 没有规则手册,我总是要考虑如何解决新问题. 为了找到ITS的最佳解决方案,我还需要权衡一个问题的不同方面. 我一直觉得这份工作很有挑战性,也很有回报.

Helen Parkyns -情报工作室原则-伯明翰,英国

反思: 我于2012年1月加入AG平台担任景观设计师. 加入IBI是一个激动人心的时刻, 从那时起, I’ve grown the Hamilton 景观建筑 group from one supporting staff member to a team of four individuals.

从历史上看, the role of landscape architects in our Hamilton office has been to support land development projects locally, but we have been successful in broadening the practice to include areas of expertise in park and trail development while collaborating with and providing support to other IBI Group offices on school, 交通设施和能源开发项目.

Jennifer Moore -景观建筑经理-汉密尔顿,加拿大

反思: 建筑是一个需要激情的职业.  在20年的职业生涯中,我对建筑环境的热情不断发展.  作为一名学生,创作的乐趣和工作室里的同志情谊(还有咖啡)让我坚持下去.  As a junior architect there were more late nights but also the excitement of being involved in projects that were actually built!  我对设计的热情仍然在我内心深处,但随着时间的推移,我的关注点已经转移.

作为注册建筑师, 我通过环境和选择找到了自我, 在施工管理阶段领导项目.  在这个设计和施工阶段, the architect works with the contractor and owner to ensure that the building meets the design intent.  I could not have predicted how much I would enjoy this aspect of my profession when I was a freshman in architecture school. 去现场看建筑成形真是太神奇了.   是的,有大量的提交文件需要审查,有大量的rfi需要回复.  Nevertheless, I see CA as problem solving; architecture is at its core.  我们的工作是创造美丽, safe and functional places for people while doing so within constraints at each stage in the process. 每天都有新的挑战和问题需要解决.

Theresa Benedetti -项目建筑师-纽约,美国

乐观理由:  我看到越来越多的女性被聘用……我希望她们能成为高级领导. 我听到的居高临下的信息越来越少……我希望我们都能尽快确保没有这样的信息. 当我看到女性不再害怕表现得像个女人时,我很受鼓舞……. I hope it keeps growing and we can accept more diversity in all fields of architecture and engineering.

I need to be able to tell the next generation that is possible to achieve your potential in a 职业生涯 without leaving other dreams behind. Every day we are confronted with hard choices and you need to be able to think it is still worth it. I have a lot of optimism in my field of Transit 体系结构 that builds better communities and access to transportation. 当我作为一个女人没有安全感的时候, 我想到了我工作的重要性, 我的祖母和母亲激励了我, 我能坚持下去,这样对下一代会更好.

Ana-Francisca de la Mora -建筑师/项目经理-多伦多,加拿大

乐观理由:  The architecture profession has long been troubled by the nagging question: “Where are the 女性 architects?“好消息是:几个世纪以来,女性从建筑史上被抹去, 有关公平的辩论已经引起了业内人士的注意. 通过讲座, 展览, 还有社交媒体, 建筑界女性的情况正在逐渐被揭露. 意识和讨论是真正变革之风的第一步. 最近,女性和男性建筑师都反对 AIA在其年度大会上缺少女性演讲者. 通过社交媒体和由该领域杰出女性签名的请愿书, AIA增加了一个名为“预见变化——建筑的下一步是什么”的特别小组.”

建筑界女性的统计数据表明,我们还有很长的路要走. 在美国,只有32%的注册建筑师是女性, 担任领导职务的女性人数甚至更少. 然而, the female mentorship and leadership I’ve experienced at IBI Group has given me hope that this too can change. 我期待着有一天,女性在建筑界不再是新鲜事物,而是一种常态.

Adriana Davis -初级建筑师-纽约,美国

愿望: 在摩洛哥读高中时,我是两个选择“技术”道路的女孩之一. 但在这个意义上的不同总是驱使我做得更好. 现在依然如此. 它激励我成为一名创造影响、情感和变化的建筑师. 我想到了很多例子:让每个人都能进入一个空间, 产生归属感, creating monumentality and many more design decisions that construct “feelings” and give freedom to everyone. 为了实现这个目标, 我相信, we should use innovation and responsive design to create positive impactful transformation and I am lucky enough to be working at a firm that does that. 我今天的愿望是继续向我身边的伟大建筑师和领导者学习, 并希望有一天能激励他人. 我每天的目标就是创造出一种能让我们大声尖叫的建筑, 女性, 我能做到吗?.

Meriem Sakrouhi -建筑设计师-纽约,美国

愿望: 我带着商业和管理方面的教育和经验走进IBI的世界. During my ‘journey’ at IBI I have had a chance to work across a number of disciplines involving a variety of duties that gave me the opportunity to innovate. 当我的角色从业务重点转变为技术角色时, 我认为这是一个巨大的挑战. 然而, 不仅如此, it was an opportunity to prove that having a business degree doesn’t stop you from developing your 职业生涯 in a technical role. Rather, I think the key to success is a willingness to demonstrate your enthusiasm and commitment.

进入了IBI的情报部门, 我体验了智能交通系统(ITS)行业的强大洞察力. 我们专注于发展, 维护和推广智能和创新的解决方案,以提供更好的移动性, 为市民提供更好的服务和更具成本效益的交通网络. 这样做使我们能够解决世界各地城市面临的共同交通挑战. 它仍然被认为是男性主导的行业,但我认为是时候改变了. 女性已经证明,她们可以在一个专注于新技术的伟大行业中取得成功. 这不是偶然发生的.

在我的职业生涯中,我希望看到女性在ITS角色中的形象有所改善. 这一变化将促进女性在ITS领域的专业发展. 反过来, this will also contribute to ITS by adding the knowledge and experience from a woman’s perspective. This greater diversity of views will support our efforts to achieve smart growth in all regions by transforming current transportation infrastructures and systems into intelligent transport systems, 提高运输过程的效率, 加强环境保护和全民安全.

Agata Zebrowska -顾问-伯明翰,英国

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